- Once your order has been placed, it cannot be changed or cancelled.
- There is NO exchange and refund. We will have a quality-check on products right before they are shipped. All products are packed by transparent packing. If there is any damage of the product, customers need to raise it BEFORE UNPACKING and within 7 days after products are shipped. TOMHANDSS will not follow any cases for unpacked products.
- Customer has the responsibility to check his/her order details (i.e.phone model/laptop model/products content). TOMHANDSS is NOT responsible for exchange or refund for all of the wrong data placed. All of the available options are provided clearly on our website. Please kindly check carefully before placing your order.
- Problem of chromatic aberration: Our photos are taken under sunlight / studio with lightening equipments. Photos which taken in different environment or different cameras may lead to chromatic aberration. Please kindly take this condition into your consideration before purchasing. There will be no exchange and refund.
- Safety problem: Buyers who choose their payment method as "Bank Transfer" need to write down their phone number/ email on the deposit receipt and take photo of it for our reference. If there is no deposit receipt/ no written phone number or email on the receipt, the payment will not be confirmed.
- Products generally take 7 to 14 business days to prepare (Or maybe longer depends on specific items), which Sundays and public holidays are non-business days. Please be aware. We will try our best to ship your order as soon as we can.Thank you for your patience. There may be some special arrangement within long vacation. Please kindly noted that.
- Delivery: For Hong Kong, China, TaiWan and Macau delivery, we use S.F.Express Delivery as the standard delivery method. We have arranged shipping with freight to be collected. Customers may visit S.F.Express official website (www.sf-express.com) for the details. For foreign orders, we use S.F.Express or EMS air mail with tracking service as the delivery methods. Customers may track the parcels by using the tracking number we provided. It generally takes 1-3weeks for the delivery process depends on individual countries. Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking information to be shown. If there is tax fee required when the parcels arrived the recipient country, customers need to pay for the tax fee. The actual amount of tax fee is calculated and charged by the local government. If there is any questions about the tax fee, please contact your local custom for details.
- Pick-up service: Our pick-up service is only available at Tsim Sha Tsui Store. Changing into delivery/mail instead of picking up at store after the order is placed is not allowed. Please consider the delivery method carefully before placing the order.
Should any dispute arise, the decision of TOMHANDSS shall be final.